Sponsors Society THOMANERCHOR Leipzig eV
The city of Leipzig, as the owner of the THOMANERCHOR Leipzig, bears the basic equipment and costs for the existence of the boys choir and thus creates the decisive prerequisites for its successful work.
However, what can be done to improve the working, learning and living conditions of the Thomaner requires the commitment of funding institutions and private sponsors.
As a sponsors society, we realize concerns and wishes that help to preserve the unique character of the THOMANERCHOR Leipzig. We use the membership fees and donations for major projects as well as for current and short-term needs of the choir members.
We pride ourselves on realizing special projects...
Acquisition and maintenance of musical instruments such as chest organs, grand pianos and upright pianos
Installation of a modern recording studio in the graduate school
Equipment of the learning and leisure library and the digital alumna library
Acquisition of computers and technology
Establishment of a sauna and a sports room in the alumnat
Furnishing of group rooms
Installation of newer recording technology in the Thomaskirche
... and recurring activities
Set-up times and the annual choir camp
Assumption of costs for the interne alumnenzeitung "Kastenjournal"
Subsidies for cultural trips, class and room trips
special musical and educational support
Support for the preparatory classes, of the ThomasNachwuchsChor and the recruitment of young talent
Promotion of public relations and communication work (e.g. THOMANERjournal as a magazine about the life and concert activities of the THOMANERCHOR Leipzig)